[Filled]Sprite sheet isometric 2d
[Filled]Sprite sheet isometric 2d
I'm after a quote for a job.
I need a sprite sheet of an isometric German Panzer in the style of Advance wars. (see attached image)
Both the body and the turret would need to face enough directions to produce a smooth rotation animation. Perhaps 10 degree increments.
It would also need the turret to be seperate.
Tank size: At least 50px wide and whatever height needed to maintain the appearance.
If anyone's interested, please quote how much you would like for this job.
I am interested, I will charge £100 as there are 36 Frames to make.
Small Portfolio:
http://i44.tinypic.com/axemvq.png Chapter select
A title http://i42.tinypic.com/wk0mcj.png Another title http://i40.tinypic.com/rbctio.png Character and level select http://i42.tinypic.com/10p65bm.png Background http://i41.tinypic.com/xnt9w1.png Cheers
Contact: Xtenstudios@hotmail.co.uk
Skype: Ace.tayyab
[Admin edit: this is a duplicate of the below post, but I can't delete it w/o risking deleting replies.]
Will charge $80 for 18 orientations of the body (20 degrees inc) and 18 orienations of the turret for each one of the body. Price and the content of the work is negotiable. :)
for the record, advance wars is in an orthographic projection, not true isometric as the tank in the previous post is