Where i must go (to read about 2D engines)

Where i must go (to read about 2D engines)

You C, i are to old to read such funny english. I tis diffickult. So i maked theme where query you.


Why here? Bekouse gugol gaven me your site at first not-ad line. I asked it about "2D RPG engines with perspective". And it walked me to chapter 3 this site. Artickle is extremly short, but even if contains frenchsais pictures, i no enought strenght to understand, also it not contains. There no funny videos and links to free engines (i not download anyway - i stuck in 90s, poterns and pipilines and pracktices for me sounds like biology).


Maybe you be kind to recommend me (from lesser to bestest):

1) downloadable books about aksonometry and others smart words (eespecialy if it old and was translated on russian);

2) learning manuals for old and simple, like infinite or deablo2 engines, which i can run on my Windows98;

3) sites with examples of such engines where i can test my tiny ideas about perspective?


Well ideas only 1: we can draw on paper point of "height" from where we see at map. So we can simply calculate, how many sprites and what size we should draw. And how we must skew "floor" tiles. I absolutelty sure that i seen formulas in soviet book of 3D graphick from late 80s. I dont like matrixes, but i can tolerate them for such business. (I used gugool.translator, i mean good doing, not commercial fabrication businass, but he says busines.)


Preliminary thanks for your advices.

If you say i write bad, i nex time write promise at least correct words. (I learned grammar from english multiplication.)