Space Shooter Game Resources needed

Space Shooter Game Resources needed

Hi all,


iam currently working on an open source browserbased spaceshooter game called "Cron"

you can find it here (does not work with IE)

i want to add some more features ingame so iam looking for more graphics.


What do i need:

1) More different Bullet images like laser or stuff

2) Big Bosses and more enemies made with the shipparts from here

3) some icons for items which will be dropped by enemies

 following items are planned:


 increase shield

 new weapon

 increase moving speed

 stop the time for few seconds

 invictible for few seconds

 cannot overheat for few seconds

 extra score points



4) map overview. i want to display a starmap before a battle, on the starmap you have your base and different missions to select.

on the base it should be possible:

upgraid your ship,

buy more ships,

repair ship

upgraid base to increase repear/upgraid speed and increase the maximal amount of avaliable ships, research for new weapons and shipparts, trade with other players with resources and shipparts.

5) more backgrounds for different missions which are possible to repeat

6) Better loading screen :D

7) better interface + an interface for mobile devices


i hope i can find some voulenteers, the whole game will open source i can only offer a link to your pages on the game page.


the images you can share on oga too :D

best regards blackscorp