Wandercall Assets for Flare use, thank Clint Bellanger :-D!
Wandercall Assets for Flare use, thank Clint Bellanger :-D!
Asset control for Wandercall preproduction
CC-BY-SA unless otherwise specified. Note some models in this repo are collabs between Clint Bellanger and Justin Nichol, if you have questions about attribution please ask.
Releasing these assets for the Flare community to use."
That plate mail is pretty cool; don't you think? If only we had someone who could animate it for Flare, hmmm *cough* Danimal *cough* XD.
It actually looks nice, but I wonder why it´s so fat?
Did you mean to publish images like these https://github.com/clintbellanger/wandercall-assets/blob/master/hero/bas... in this public repo?
Historical armour technology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ggQ83-TC18 Round is good.
As some old person might say to some younger people, 'Now you listen here you young whipper snappers': https://youtu.be/W674mdZPjjc?t=612 (~10:11) Why armour looks 'fat' from a real armourer who can make yourself a personal suit of plate mail armour.
I think those are generic poses like open source bases. There are many things like that with making avatars and are pretty common. If it was a male avatar it would use male images sourced from around the web. Pretty common stuff.
Ahh didn't know that, learned something new today:) thanks!
Pretty interesting, so the in between air acts as an archaic airbag against blows.
As for the armor models, I´ll give them a try when i have some free time. They are very nice, the weapons not so much, most detail is lost when scaling down, I don´t think they will be useful.
Yeah even so the armour looks really cool and most R.P.G. character items are armour related so it could be a big leap forward if even the plate mail was added for like it looks amazing and can fill in a spot of 'full / heavy' plate mail and the current set could be like half-plate / 'light' plate mail. I wonder if the chain mail texture can be used on the black areas for the Flare armours like making an armour set with chain mail underneath and plate / leather added on top? Even way I am pretty happy we have more assets to tinker with and hopefully make some cool Flare stuff with :-D!