Looking for 2D artist to hobby game
Looking for 2D artist to hobby game
Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 09:46
Hi, I would like to make this very old game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLi5wSwRwPk&t in new technology engines and maybe with more content.
But to make this game I need 2D artist.
The project is hobbyist and completely free of charge. If some artist agrees to cooperate, I will document the progress.
You wrote: "If some artist agrees to cooperate, I will document the progress."
I would suggest the opposite: Make a github repository, decide on an open source license, then show the link to the project here. But this is just a suggestion, it's up to you.
I can make repo its no problem.
Se ainda estiver precisando de ajuda com a arte 2d, posso ajudar
Beatriz da Silva Rocha
Hello! I love puzzle games and I'm currently involved in one puzzle project. I love that game, I played one very similar on zx spectrum but I forgot how it was called. I just want to give you an advice to get started:
First, from my experience, the hardest part of puzzle games is the game logic, so I suggest you to try to find examples of similar games and decide which language you would like to use. You don't need graphics for that, you can use ascii character first. Please check this great site to see examples of game logic of many puzzles: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/
If you want to succeed creating a port of that game start small and from the beginning, try to implement the game logic, ask for support in forums for the language you decide to use. Once the game is playable and working upload it to github and that's the right moment to search for artist to help with the assets.
I want you to succeed in your game port and that's why I think you can't start with the assets without having the game logic, but don't be discouraged, game development is sometimes a slow and hard process.
Good luck!
Hi, thanks for reply and good word! :)
You have right, I start programming game logic and mechanics and for develop time use place holders graphics and after that find artist and add graphics.
With implement mechanics I am unlikely to have much of a problem because I work as a programmer with some skill so I know which language use and game engine.
Maybe I will find some time to programming the first prototype, although I currently have a lot of work to do.