No license specified
No license specified
Monday, May 16, 2022 - 13:45
Hi! Can I use art from OpenGameArt in my free open-source project? The FAQ says yes, and says I must credit the author by adding this to my game credits:
"[asset name]" by [author name] licensed [license(s)]: [asset url]
But there is no license specified in thr entry I want to use. What should I put in [license(s)]?
This is the entry I am talking about:
What th h*ll
As far as I know, no such page is supposed to exist in OGA, and beside via this post, I can't reach it (visibly, I didn't know this site as well as I believed). All of the ways I tried failed.
How did fou find it ?
Hi, this entry is part of the LPC art competition. You can find all the entries here. As it is mentioned on the page, the submissions are dual licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license and the GNU GPL 3.0.
Thank you guys for this discussion