150KMPH 3Color Palette Aircraft
150KMPH 3Color Palette Aircraft
Friday, January 4, 2013 - 19:58
Art Type:
I tried to have fun with a 3 color palette, like in the old days when I was playing on my Gameboy Color, before I even started a serious attempt on a game, I needed to find the correct palette first (I forgot the key combination) by selecting it at start up.
I took this idea to make 4 aircrafts, a tank, something that should resemble a bike, and 4 * 2 terrain tiles. To get the full effect, I added some examples of what you can do with coloring it properly.
I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. It's just some programmer art, but as a programmer I have a weak spot for dynamic ingame palettes.
The tilesheet is 18*18.
With Regards,
Attribution Instructions:
Please provide a link to my account.

Hey, not bad for a first! (a first 8-bit style contribution, that is)
Seriously, though, I think they lack a bit of detail. Not to sound egoistic, but you should check out my contribution for an example: http://opengameart.org/content/some-8-bit-vertical-shooter-tiles-r2 -- these seem to fit into 4 colors (or 3 and transparency), too.
That isn't egoistic at all, I was actually inspired by that submission!
Thanks for the compliment. And yes they lack detail! I agree. perhaps it was a bad idea to upload them, I don't know, it's just that I want to practice doing graphics and thought I could share :).
I'm actually using these in my April #1GAM project. Thanks!
Great stuff! The Gameboy actually has a four color pallet though.
Hello. I will be using this nice throwback art for my game. I will be putting you name and account link in my game. If you have any further requests just ask me. Just thought you should know
Nice! I was just experimenting with a three color palette, although I myself would do a dark purple outline for the colored version.