4-Color Dungeon Bricks (16x16)
4-Color Dungeon Bricks (16x16)
Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 15:31
Art Type:
A simple 4-color brick tileset, suitable perhaps for a low-res platformy-type thing. Made it while messing around with DawnBringer's 32-color palette; included a few different color permutations.
Only one background tile at the moment, so it's a bit bland. I'll update as I add more.
License is CC0 - do as you wish. Comments and feedback always welcome.

Quick mockup with the tiles and some other stuff for context:
Includes UI Pieces licensed under CC0, courtesy of Buch.
I would suggest not including multiple diffrent palette swaps and just keep one. That way, it saves space and allows the developer to pick his own palette manually or use the original.
I usually show them like that:
Thanks, very nice set. I like it to get multiple sets at once. This way you can choose the one that fits best, without playing around with the pallette. And a simple copy and paste shouldn't be that hard if you need to save space and want to use just one...
These are great! I also don't mind including all the different color varients, it doesn't take up much extra space and it's nice to see the different combinations.
An image on the project I'm working on with the bricks in them. Thank you ;)