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Animated One Accord Flag
Animated One Accord Flag
Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 19:52
Art Type:
2D Art
CC-BY 3.0
Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles and Backgrounds
Side Scrolling Art Collection
Top Down 2D Isometric 32x32 Art Collection
Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
Share Icons:
flag for my server
OA animated flag.png
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Hey, can I use this sprite in a game that I'm making?
Thank you.
I would provide full credit to you, all I need is your permission to use this sprite.
It looks like Tracy hasn't been on the site in a while. However, as a general rule, all art hosted on OpenGameArt is free to use, even in commercial projects. However there are nuances you should be familiar with.
On the left panel of the screen, you can see that Tracy chose to release this under the CC-BY 3.0 license. This means that you may use this artwork as long as you follow the terms: (1) You provide attribution (which you already say you will do), and (2) in your distribution, you don't apply additional measures that restrict others from using the art in ways permitted by the license.
Number (2) can be tricky if you release your game on a platform that imposes some DRM, or imposes its own restrictive license on your work. The Apple App store is an example of a platform which imposes a stricter license on all its content, and thus the prevailing view is that you cannot distribute CC-BY artwork over the Apple store, unless you are able to get a special exemption from the owner (Tracy).
Thank you for asking. Please feel free to use this sprite. I lost my login information for this site and recently recovered it.
Thank you both so much for the clarification. I guess it's a bit obvious that I'm relatively new to this site. I'll make sure to put your name in the credits, and I can even send you the link to the game if you want!
Thanks a lot,