Art: bart -- Some Characters and Other Things set in the 17th century

bart's picture
Consistency with Style: 
The characters are okay style-wise, but (as you mentioned) are of limited usefulness due to the fact that they're not animated. The house isn't shaded and doesn't fit in with the map tile format. The fences don't appear to be the right width for tiling.
Quality and Skill: 
The character sprites are solid. The fences could use some touch-up work, though, and the house is pretty weak (it appears to have been done hastily without attention to pixel detail). It also doesn't have doors or windows. :)
Below average.
Submission Format: 
PNG, but not arranged in a way that would be easy to import into a program.
Judge's Opinion: 
It's a good start, but as submitted it's of very limited usefulness. Your characters look nice, but your time would have been better spent making one or two complete ones rather than a bunch of still frames.