Art Challenge: Censorship (due Feb. 3rd)
Art Challenge: Censorship (due Feb. 3rd)
Saturday, January 21, 2012 - 11:28
Date Range:
20 January 2012 to 3 February 2012
I think it's kinda obvious why I chose this topic. It's probably not that easy to interpret this, but I'm sure you're gonna find a way - you'll just need to be creative.
May the fun be with you!
Totally forgot about this, sorry:
The winning entry of the Eternal Ice challenge was the Snowy Town Tileset by Sharm.
I will currently not join, but maybe someone want to create sth. like this:
(a naked human with black rectancles); a man with black eyes, very big, in his one hand the american flag, in the other one a globe (=symbol for internet); something with pirates fighting against government men.
I hope some of my ideas are useful :)
Haha nice, Scribe!
Is it just me or has my post been deleted?
Edit: my entry has been taken down because it wasn't useful to the site as art, if I get a chance I'll contribute something useful ;)
Sorry, I need to make a clarification.
At minimum, since we need to maintain the quality of the art archive, any submissions need to be useful for a game. :)
I'll admit, I'm drawing a blank on this one. My best idea is to do things that are often censored, like a nude base or guns or something, I don't have any ideas that I really want to do. I think I'll give this a pass. Good luck everyone else!
My idea: we seem to have lots of character art here and not as much in the way of spell animations and effects. Perhaps a Silence/Mute spell or status icon?
Otherwise, one could maybe do a locked computer terminal ('ACCESS DENIED' flashing onscreen, or something similar), or other icons or animations related to communication failure..
Thank you MoikMellah, your idea with the locked computer terminal was quite useful :)
Here is my entry.
EDIT: I created a computer screen model, too.
@kddekadenz: Glad I could be of help!
I went a similar direction, though a different style: Comm Terminal.
*Edit: Forgot I could display it here:
Here is my entry: Censor's scissors
It is an update of my SVG Icons library. I don't know if it is the right thing to do but the three icons have been especially done for this contest.
Nice job, Johann. However, since voting currently works via favorites, could you please create a separate OGA entry for your submission?
Hi CruzR.
Thanks for the comment.
Is there no other way for participating to the challenge than create a OGA entry ? Because I don't like the idea so much.
I'd rather not to split the icons library. It would be too complicated to do. For the moment, I only use the whole archive made by the gitHub site. It is pretty easy. If I split the library, I would have to update my first original entry as I did, but also make a new entry and a new archive with only the new stuff. Then, I guess I will have to maintain a collection to group every SVG icons entries. I can do that, but... just for 3 icon objects, I am not sure it is a valuable idea. More over, the "update" comment really matches my needs.
So I don't know what to do. For this time, may be, don't consider my entry. Next time, I will try to make more objects which can justify a real separate OGA entry.
> Is there no other way for participating to the challenge than create a OGA entry ?
> Because I don't like the idea so much.
We all now that voting via favorites isn't perfect. Afaik BartK actually planned to implement a separate, art-challenges-only voting system in OGA 2.0, but it doesn't seem to exist yet. That's why we need to take what we've got until someone takes the time to implement it.
I will have to ask my local people's party representative to ask for permission to submit this etry.
If I do not report back in 72 hours, it means that I am dead and don't have to worry about the law any more. In that case I too would like to participate. I will write the next theme in my will, for the case that I should win.
Here is my submission, I made this mod for MegaGlest to protest not just Censorship but evrything the govenment is trying to do.
My mod is called:
Republic VS Police State
The world is being taken over by the government and the Elite of the world. They are trying to set up a police state and control the population. There is only one person that can save the world ... you! Make an army of citizens protest the governments evil doing. Next thing you know they will try to censor the Internet!
Everything in this mod is under the current CC-by-SA licence, so if you like something you can use it as long as you credit me.
Only the police state faction is finished (I am working in the rebuplic faction right now)
This is packaged as a whole tech-tree and requires MegaGlest to run.
Download the Police State - version: alpha here.
Whach the intro here:
Nice idea, but that isn't a real entry to this contest.
Ill upload my models for people to use. Thats art people can use for a game.
Sorry Elim, but since you didn't submit your entry on OGA before the deadline, you won't be able to participate.
>Sorry Elim, but since you didn't submit your entry on OGA before the deadline, you won't be able to participate.
It's a shame, because his work definitely deserves a first place, or at least a chance to get it.
On the other hand, there aren't any prizes for this challenge, so it doesn't really matter.
it said (due Feb. 3rd)
I posted Friday, February 3, 2012 - 19:43
Which was not pased the due date...
The problem is, voting currently works via favorites, and since you didn't upload your submission to OGA in time, how should people vote for you?
What ever it dosent mater, I didn't know I had to upload to OGA.