Art collections (community input encouraged)
Art collections (community input encouraged)
Since OGA was first created a little over a year ago, one thing people have been asking for is the ability to group art into "collections". I love the idea, but until now I've been putting it off because it's non-trivial.
Anyway, a collection is something you could use to store, say, a list of your personal favorites. Collections might also be used by a FOSS game project to keep a list of all of the art they're using. Or, a collection might be an arbitrary set of art that's of the same style and genre -- a group of internally consistent works that would go well together in a game. Every collection on OGA will have its own landing page.
Here's what I'm picturing:
- A way to browse art in the collection will be displayed prominently at the top of the page. At page load, you will be able to see most recent 10 or 15 (or so) additions to the collection. From there, you can page through them or go to a full view to page through more works at a time.
- To one side of the collection will be some basic meta information -- the list of maintainers, the date it was created and last updated, and a description.
- Below will be a list of comments and events, ordered by date and starting with the earliest. An "event" would be, for example, when someone adds a piece to the collection. Whether we display an event when a piece is removed will be up to the maintainer of the collection.
- If a piece of art in the collection is revised, an event will be added as well.
- Users may leave comments and also propose that a work be included in a collection.
- Maintainers of a collection will be able to add new maintainers. A collection maintainer may add or remove works from that collection. If possible access permissions will be granular (add works, remove works, add maintainers, remove maintainers, grant permissions, etc).
- The maintainer of a collection may opt to make it private, prevent comments, and not accept proposals for including works. This will allow for users to create "favorites" collections without outside comment.
Again, I'll try and come up with a mockup to better explain what I'm getting at. There are a lot of possible uses for this, some of which I'm sure I haven't thought of. If you can think of anything else you might want to do with art collections, I'm all ears. :)
This sounds like a good idea, because at present OGA is starting to get big enough that it's getting hard to really sift through all the content to fin similar materials.