Art: cwebber -- Character animations, clothes, armor, weapons, skeleton enemy, combat dummy
Submitted by cwebber on 28 August 2012 - 5:32pm
Consistency with Style:
Matches perfectly with the (male) character templates that exist. Coloring, shading, etc all perfect. Animations work well too.
Quality and Skill:
Extremely well executed.
Tons of stuff in here. Definitely will add to someone wishing to build a game by a lot.
Submission Format:
Well built and inclusion of XCF files a huge plus.
Judge's Opinion:
This piece, in my opinion, would be tied with the farming / spellcasting submission as in terms of the extent that it expands the scope of what one can do when using LPC assets. I docked a point however in that it does not feel *quite* as complete: this piece adds a lot of useful things, especially useful animations!, to the male template but not to the female template. While some accessories may be usable on the male character it's sad that there's so many cool things added here that they aren't usable also on the female base.
That said, that shouldn't overshadow that this is an *amazing* submission of *incredible* quality. So 99 points it is!