Art: cwebber -- Maskman XCF

Art Submission: 
Consistency with Style: 
Matches the style guide nicely for what it is
Quality and Skill: 
Hm, well executed for what it is, but it's not a huge departure from what exists.
Just the one character
Submission Format: 
XCF file is a good bonus
Judge's Opinion: 
It's a nice character and it's good that it provides the XCF file. It doesn't manage to hold up to some of the other entries though in that it's a fairly minor derivative comparatively. Still a cool idea... surprisingly we didn't get much of superhero type design suits. It's more clear that it's supposed to be a superhero type design when you turn on the cape. Too bad that's only for the front-facing direction. Anyway, fun, but not a comparatively monumental entry considering some of the other things.