Asteroid Tileset 01-Destruction
Asteroid Tileset 01-Destruction
Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - 22:18
Art Type:
This the "destruction" animation for the "Asteroid Tileset 01" I submitted earlier. It's been meant to be run as an overlay for the asteroid sprite on the screen and also contains smaller animations for the diffent sizes.
Level 0:
- Starting Y Value - 0
- Frame Width - 160 px
- Frame Height - 160 px
- Frame Count - 4
Level 1:
- Starting Y Value - 160
- Frame Width - 80 px
- Frame Height - 80 px
- Frame Count - 4
Level 2:
- Starting Y Value - 240
- Frame Width - 40 px
- Frame Height - 40 px
- Frame Count - 4
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit