Cartonny Tree leaves and flowers
Cartonny Tree leaves and flowers
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 17:12
Art Type:
This pack contains tree leaves textures (seamless) and some flowers made with a digital drawing pad, full content:
- Tree leaves texture 1
- Tree leaves texture 2 (being only a color variation)
- Four different flowers
- Four textures with flowers (all in jpg)
All PSDs and JPGs inside file.
I would love to see them used, so drop a word if you do.

I like this textures :p
Kind of difficult to use... if you want them used, I would suggest a seamless texture made up of edge tiles. That way they can be used as a border in an RPG. Hmm... it could also be made into a bush.
very nice dude; ver nice
Nice textures , I surely will use them, I'll let you know if i do it ;) Thank you for sharing.
I know these are meant to be for trees, but I might use these for grass...