Cuyo levels Balls at ease/Frightened balls/Angry balls

Cuyo levels Balls at ease/Frightened balls/Angry balls

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These are the graphics of the Cuyo level which, depending on difficulty settings, is named Balls at ease or Frightened balls or Angry balls.

The graphics are dual licensed under the GPLv2 and under the OINM license version 0 (see

The graphics were generated by programs and these programs constitute the source form of the graphics in the sense of the GPL and the OINM license. In short, distribution without the source is a license violation.

EDIT: I replaced the archive by a version with png instead of xpm format.

Attribution Instructions: 
Copyright by Mark Weyer, for the exact years see the respective source files.
cuyoangst.tar.bz2 cuyoangst.tar.bz2 449.9 Kb [272 download(s)]