Evil Cyborg
Evil Cyborg
I made this for my game, but it didn't work out. It's rigged and has diffuse and normal map.
EvilCyborg.zip 5.8 Mb [945 download(s)]
I made this for my game, but it didn't work out. It's rigged and has diffuse and normal map.
Reminds me of BioForge. What a great game that was, if a little frustrating.
Hi there! Your sample image turned out to fit quite well as an interior illustration to my latest project, a tabletop RPG. You can see it at http://claudeb.itch.io/tales-of-space-and-magic and https://www.scribd.com/doc/275032703/Tales-of-Space-and-Magic (well, the page in question isn't in the sample). But I promise it's looking good, and it's even attributed. Thanks!