Evolutius (SFX Pack)
Evolutius (SFX Pack)
The content of the sfx/ folder in our (Löve-Party) Ludum Dare Jam game Evolutius.
There should be enough content to make a complete game with 2 types of levels.
Maybe more will added :).
For GFX for the same game, click here. For music click here.
For more information and (open) source click here.
Attribution Instructions:
If you use this, please add a link to this submission in the game, also, please concider to tell me about your project, I would love to see them in action! (other than in our Ludum project)

I took the liberty of splitting the music into another pack! Thanks for uploading this stuff here! (how did you make the music and how did you edit the sfx btw?)
The music is made with TAL Noise maker, the SFX's are my voice with a bitcrusher. Thanks for splitting it :).
What does "with a bitcrusher" mean? Googling "bitcrusher" gave me some 8bit noise samples..
EDIT: the gameover is awesome. Not sure it's sound or music though ^^
Bitcrusher is a method of destortion, you can define the amount of destortion usually. It's a value between 0 and max, which will give an output between the orinigal audio and 8 bit, indeed. It's a kind of destortion I really like, and (ab)use a lot. :)
EDIT: Yeah I thought the same :P I didn't knew if it was music or sfx, but because it's a one-shot rather than it loops I figured it could be concidered SFX :P