Fantasy RPG Icons
Fantasy RPG Icons
Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 08:20
Art Type:
Hey there!
I made some fantasy RPG icons, ready to use for your project!
4 items:
Sword, blue runestone, scroll and bracer.
4x full background, 4x transparent
Size: 128x128 px
Format: PNG
All items come with transparent background as well for your personal customization!
If you need more icons you can get the full package for download here or in the Unity Asset Store, you can also contact me at:

Nice, they look great. How'd you go about making them? Did you use something like krita?
Thank you!
I researched on various games to get the "icon look" right. Afterwards simply painted each icon individually in PS with the background on a seperate layer, finally scaling down and that's it! Krita might do the trick just as well.
Update: The full package is now available in the Unity Asset Store!
Update: The full package is now also available at Sellfy!
Update: The full package has been updated and I added some basic background variations, as several people suggested.
Also, you can get the set at Cubebrush now as well! :)