Flare buttons

Flare buttons


Dark fantasy themed buttons, for Flare ( www.clintbellanger.net/rpg ), as part of commission by clintbellanger. Top-down: Enabled state, Disabled state, Mouseover state, Mousedown state, shadow (works fine without). 

Licensed to cc0 / public domain .



The buttons can be made shorter by taking out a section from the middle (like, ABCDEF -> ABEF).

Disabled and mousedown look a bit similar - however since mousedown would normally be shown only for a short period of time, this shouldn't be a problem; also the text on Disabled could be darker than on the rest. 

The buttons are at such a large size to be scaled smaller. Shift hue for more variations! Fonts used in preview are not included.

buttons.png buttons.png 298.6 Kb [5889 download(s)]