Game Crates

Game Crates


By: Quandtum

License: CC-0

Blender Version: 2.66a, r55057

Date: Mon Mar 18 19:44:07 CDT 2013




What's included:

1 x Basic Crate base mesh (110 vertices, 234 Edges, 126 faces, 216 tris, UV unwrapped).

1 x Diffuse map - Branded (1024 x 1024)

1 x Diffuse map - Non-branded (1024 x 1024)

1 x Normal map (1024 x 1024)

1 x Bump map (1024 x 1024)

1 x Specular map (1024 x 1024)



1 x Weapon Crate base mesh (122 vertices, 264 Edges, 144 faces, 240 tris, UV unwrapped).

1 x Diffuse map - Branded (1024 x 1024)

1 x Diffuse map - Non-branded (1024 x 1024)

1 x Normal map (1024 x 1024)

1 x Bump map (1024 x 1024)

1 x Specular map (1024 x 1024)



No texture manifest, textures done 100% by me.


Maps included are all large 1024 x 1024. Reason is they can be reduced but not grown, resize them to fit as needed.


Part of the Bot Siege game project @

File(s): 14 Mb [1496 download(s)]