Game Crates
Game Crates
By: Quandtum
License: CC-0
Blender Version: 2.66a, r55057
Date: Mon Mar 18 19:44:07 CDT 2013
What's included:
1 x Basic Crate base mesh (110 vertices, 234 Edges, 126 faces, 216 tris, UV unwrapped).
1 x Diffuse map - Branded (1024 x 1024)
1 x Diffuse map - Non-branded (1024 x 1024)
1 x Normal map (1024 x 1024)
1 x Bump map (1024 x 1024)
1 x Specular map (1024 x 1024)
1 x Weapon Crate base mesh (122 vertices, 264 Edges, 144 faces, 240 tris, UV unwrapped).
1 x Diffuse map - Branded (1024 x 1024)
1 x Diffuse map - Non-branded (1024 x 1024)
1 x Normal map (1024 x 1024)
1 x Bump map (1024 x 1024)
1 x Specular map (1024 x 1024)
No texture manifest, textures done 100% by me.
Maps included are all large 1024 x 1024. Reason is they can be reduced but not grown, resize them to fit as needed.
Part of the Bot Siege game project @

Why is a 126faces crate low poly? I can make a low poly crate that has only 6 faces. ;)
I would think 3 faces, 12 vertices would also work.
They look quite good though.
Yes, but they are high poly ;)
I'm affraid the 80's have come and gone ;)
Changed the title for you. I like happy people.
Thanks :)
Low poly is a term that depends on many things:
I believe they can be considered low poly because:
Ok, but I am still wondering about his 3 faces 12 vertics cube...
3 faces along each of the major planes (X, Y, & Z) intersecting at the orgin wiht this painted on each plane:
To speed things along, this is where you say "That would look horrible." I would agree but disagree. It speaks to vk's point.
If those crates are in the distant background (oh, like 500ft away) and the player doesn't interact with them, they can create the "illusion". If you're close however and can rotate about them more, they're silouhette of course won't hold up because the needed vertices are missing. Shadows then too will be a definate let down.
You can whittle anything down to the primitives but need to be mindful to the tradeoffs made in the details. These crates are intended to have direct interaction with the player, the extra vertices are needed to produce not only the silohette (the 6 faces you are refering to) but also correct shadows. Now, I admit, there are 24 more vertices then needed in these, but they added to the UV map to ease the texturing. They were worth the time they saved me.
Now to discredit myself, I am just a hobbiest. I don't know any of this as fact, I just have to make due with what I find on the internet to learn from. I have no doubts that they could be improved upon.
Thanks a lot. I will find a way to use this in my gmae :)