Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:53
Art Type:
Have been fooling around with this public domain blend:

Have been fooling around with this public domain blend:
Don't forget to attach the blend as the 2D image is somewhat limited by itself.
Just follow the link and you will find the blend.
Yeah, but we would like your tweaked blend please!
Put another way; if you didn't modify it, and just rendered it from an angle, then you have to suggest how you expect it to be used. "Open Game Art" - if it's just a brain fart then it's not going to be useful. This render is not vertically straight, not from an obvious viewing angle (e.g. not isometric) and I can't see how it could be put straight into a game.
I think I do not have to suggest anything to anybody. If this image does not fit the policy of this site then the amdins will remove it. If users do not like it or do not find it useful in any way then so be it. If you worry about how it can be put straight into a game, then make your own "brain farts" and put them into a game. Thanks for encouragement.
2 Dread Knight,
check it out now. :)
Thanks! :)
I used your model (and your statue) when I created this: