Goblin Corps (MV Platformer Set)

Goblin Corps (MV Platformer Set)

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"Durgan Kal is where I lost me left eye. Listen well, boy, the only thing there harder than the goblin warriors is the goblin whiskey, and either's as likely to leave yer skull split open come mornin'."  --Torvald Two-Eyes (he wears a monocle)

Another MV Platformer character set - a horde of goblins!  Perfect for guarding treasure and harassing decent adventuring folk in a low-res dungeon or cavern.  Includes a naked base, and all the following:

= Costumes =

  • Peasant garb (brown, blue, red, gray)
  • Robe (brown, blue, red, gray)
  • Assassin gi (brown, blue, red, gray)
  • Samurai gi
  • Soldier's gear
  • Plate mail (steel, gold)

= Headgear =

  • Cloth cap (brown, blue, red, gray)
  • Floppy hat (brown, blue, red, gray)
  • Cowl (brown, blue, red, gray)
  • Bamboo hat
  • Round helm
  • Plate helm (steel, gold)
  • Crown (silver, gold)

= Actions =

  • Standing (x1)
  • Idle (x1)
  • Walking (x6)
  • Jumping (x3)
  • Damage (x2)
  • Falling (x2)
  • KO (x1)
  • Vertical attack (x4, ground/air)
  • Horizontal attack (x3, ground/air)
  • Punch/jab (x2, ground/air)
  • Block (x1, ground/air)

And, as an extra bonus, I included three basic weapons I came up with while testing animations in-game: hammer (vertical attack), sword (horizontal attack), and knife (jab), all compatible with the previous MV Plat characters (human, skeleton, and satyr).

License is CC0 - do as you wish.  Attribution not necessary (but always appreciated).  Comments and critique are welcome.  If you use this in a project, feel free to drop a link in the comments here or in the Show Off Your Project forum - it's always fun to see my work in the wild.  Enjoy!

goblin.peasant.png goblin.peasant.png 10 Kb [1976 download(s)]
goblin.mage_.png goblin.mage_.png 9.6 Kb [1399 download(s)]
goblin.samurai.png goblin.samurai.png 9.4 Kb [1311 download(s)]
goblin.assassin.png goblin.assassin.png 8.8 Kb [1266 download(s)]
goblin.lord_.png goblin.lord_.png 9.2 Kb [1139 download(s)]
goblin.soldier.png goblin.soldier.png 9.8 Kb [1278 download(s)]
goblin.guard_.png goblin.guard_.png 9.8 Kb [1127 download(s)]
goblin.knight.png goblin.knight.png 10.4 Kb [1226 download(s)]
goblin.centurion.png goblin.centurion.png 10.9 Kb [1150 download(s)]
goblin.battleLord.png goblin.battleLord.png 10.5 Kb [1306 download(s)]
mvGoblin.zip mvGoblin.zip 475.3 Kb [2364 download(s)]