Gold treasure
Gold treasure
I'm afraid this isn't quite finished at the moment as I have been ill for the last few days, but wanted to enter it before the end of the art challenge.
This is my entry for the art challenge 'Medium Swap' based on Clint's (much better) gold treasure art.
Currently includes:
- A single coin
- Stack of 2 coins
- Stack of 4 coins
- Stacks of 8 coins
- Stacks of 16 coins
- Gold chalice
- Three gold ingots/bars
When I can I will try to model the missing crown, treaure chest and sword. Obviously anyone else feel free to do that for me :D
Clint's art is released under CC-BY-SA 3.0, does that allow me to release it under CC-BY 3.0 as well or only CC-BY-SA 3.0?
Textures used are uploaded seperately:
Coin texture is public domain:
Goblet texture photography by Jonathan Cardy:

To your question:
It would be possible to license it under CC-BY-SA if he did CC-BY, but not the other way. (He wanted his art to be used only in not commercial products, if you use his art and license it cc-by, you would allow everybody to use his art (which is in included in your product) in a commercial product, what obviously is not what he wanted).
So in short: No.
Your art is very transformative. I would say it's original enough to not have to worry about attributing me at all. So you can do CC-BY, and make attribution to me optional.
Thanks for the comment Clint.
Have done as you suggested!