Green Car (Dacia)
Green Car (Dacia)
Dacia 1310-ish is the real life model that was the base..
Use free and edit free.
Attribution Instructions:

Dacia 1310-ish is the real life model that was the base..
Use free and edit free.
Note about your attribution instructions -- CC0 == Public Domain... e.g., by choosing public domain you're relinquishing all copyrights you own on the work so the (c) is not possible in this case.
Just FYI... :)
thank you, but does my work get credited (as in: if someone uses it, do they have to mention my name)?
of course I don't really mind if they don't, but I like the "(c)" thing next to my name :D
Under public domian, they are not required to give anybody credit... hence, Public Domain (it's in the public).
If you want credit but everybody to use it for whatever they want, chose CC-BY (Attribution). Similar permissions as public domain, except that you're asking for attribution.
At least in the honor system, if I use your design I will mention your name regardless of the license.