GUI items
GUI items
Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 10:37
Art Type:
Just some GUI images I made for my game '7even Nation' check it out here:
there are arrow buttons a cursor, 2 crosshairs that I swap between when I am looking at something I can pickup, a yes and no button and slecter rings for the yes, no buttons and the left and right arrows to show when the mouse is hovering over them

Bottom border of the tick looks slightly uneven. Is it supposed to be so?
No it's not meant to be like that but I had to make my own tick as the only font I could find with a tick was a microsoft one so I couldn't use that due to copyright so I made my own, and as I was only using them at around 64x64 you can't see anything I don't think :) It would be quite easy to fix if you need it perfect