Loopable Horror Ambiance

Loopable Horror Ambiance

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Hello, I like Synth programming. Especially special effects.

I use the open source TAL-Noise maker.

What I did were the following steps:

Osc 1: Saw
Osc 2: Sine (Ringmodded with Osc 1)

I put an LFO in S&H mode on oscillator 2 (fine-tune), so the osc would be glitchy. Also, I used an Low Pass filter (12db), of which the frequency is controlled by the second LFO, also in S&H mode. The filter frequency is near halfway, not too high, not too low, with a fair resonance. I added reverb and chorus for the moody effect.

Now, I just let one note play for a few minutes, this was the result :).

I hope anyone can use it, perhaps as ambience.

Anyhow, please tell me what you think!

With regards,

Attribution Instructions: 
If you use this audio file, please concider showing me the results :).
S&H fun.mp3 S&H fun.mp3 20.3 Mb [292 download(s)]
TAL-Noise Maker Preset.zip TAL-Noise Maker Preset.zip 933 b [280 download(s)]