Low Poly Giant Spider
Low Poly Giant Spider
After coming across Sundburn's spider
I decided it would be worth my time to attempt creating a low poly version.
The original spider had 2.6 million faces. Obviously far too many for most games. This version has 3000 still on the high side, but I am sure you will agree its quite an improvement.
My workflow on this model went > Blender > export each section as an individual .obj > Mesh Lab > Quadratic Edge Collapse Decimation > resave new .objs > import into blender > reassemble all the parts into a spider > apply a material and basic texture > save > upload to OGA
I am retaining sunburn's original cc by 3.0 license, be sure and remember to credit him for the initial creation of this model.
updated, removed earlier versions, now all in a singular file
now has custom texture, witch uses a hair texture from here:
which is black lab sara copy by michelle bunting
edit 2:
Uploaded normal map, specular map, glow map and four diffuse maps (grey, redback, green and brown)
as always, if you use this I'd love to know! :)

Decimator give horrible topology and waste allot of triangles, its always better to just retopologize
The texture is awesome however
Keep up the good work!
MeshLab's Quadratic Edge Collapse Decimation is pretty damn good if you use all the slow accurate options, you have to admit, turning a 2,600,000 face model into 3,000 face model without losing much detail is pretty awesome. I will try give repotologizing another go though :)
She is very nice !!
Wooooooow, It's a really cool model, those spiders looks awesome! =D
When I dwonloaded this model, only the front-left leg (from the spider's perspective) has texture cooridinates. It was easy to fix, but I thought you should know. I am intending to use this for a player who can walk on all sides of objects (such as walls and ceilings). This is a really nice model.