LPC Orange Trees
LPC Orange Trees
Thursday, May 29, 2014 - 05:37
Art Type:
Suitable for farming sims. Based on trees by C. Nilsson and recolored by William. Thompsonj while the table is based on art submitted by Daniel Eddeland.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Original trees by C. Nilsson and recolored by William. Thompsonj while the table is based on art submitted by Daniel Eddeland.

Logged in just so I could favourite this, citrus rules!
I also just logged in to favorite this. Thanks for the contribution, it's great!
Thanks everyone. :D
One piece of criticism that may be helpful; if this is for a farming Sim should there me multiple stages to represent fruit growth and possibly a late growth with more fruit that 3 pieces? Might be useful to make a few more versions with more and less fruit, possibly also making it with other fruits too. Love the work you've done already by the way.
Made with love! I can see this!