MMORPG Briswak Art Request!(updated)

MMORPG Briswak Art Request!(updated)

Open Source project GNU/GPL Evidyon Karl Gluck. (Evidyon) Evidyon Infinity ~ Direct X(.X) Forever!

Here is a playable test server with models already used from OGA.ORG for everyone to enjoy! (just visit the downloads page and download Briswak!)

Game concepts and general theme are leaning towards a diablo basis. I want to implement a mini map and other functions. The game will have a labyrinth with 20 levels or more. The system uses .x and so blender 2.50+ cant export to it. Blender 2.49 is what I use when creating art for my game. The story meets the story written on my webpage, some 5 years after or so.

The games name is "The King of Demons Online" (TKODO), a massive evil force is wiping out the living and nobody seems to be able to stop it. This deep evil is growing in power, and freedom!. Monsters outside town mutate and become extremely aggressive. Briswak is the last human frontier, a town built behind mountains, which the only way out is by magic or boat since the monster's hate water there seems to be some hope.

Hero's wandering the waisteland looking for a place to call home find themselves at the shores of Shendin. Picked up by the boat set there to find survivors looking for salvation at the mouth of the river. (A task mandated by the Mayor Torrel) Briswak is a solid foundation for the new human world to begin expanding. Torrel is mindset on protecting the town. He paid a powerful "Sorcerer" to enclose the town from outside power and evil penetration. Even still, the evil has found a way to push it's powers into our land. We must defend our sanctuary!...


The art resources I am interested in are: fragmotion(.ugh) animated models. A texture artist capable of texturing the Zepplin model found here in OGA.ORG plus more models. Someone capable of converting static textured models from other formats to .blend or .x preferably with textures assigned using uv mapping and outside images only so they can be enter as textures within the engine. Fragmotion animations when exporting them to .x need to be exported with the write all frames option selected.

In dire need of a FRAGMOTION USER to animate my UGH files!

Models I need textures applied to: Well, Cart final, Midevil Tower, Zepplin in .blend.

Models I would like animated:Treasure Chest.blend converted to a fragmotion made.ugh or .x(made with fragmotion, this is game engine specific for modeled animations not set as fx) with open and close(idle) animations. The animations I need are .ugh or Fragmotion exported to .x with merged animations. Fragmotion animations when exporting them to .x need to be exported with the Write all frames option selected. Make 2 animations with 1 set as closed and another animation that is open. The animations are set seperatly in the engine as Idle and Death. 

I thank OGA.ORG and everyone else here that has contributed. Thank you! I intend to contribute animations and art because your awesome!

