Monster for 3d shooter - Sprite
Monster for 3d shooter - Sprite
Sunday, April 1, 2012 - 20:09
Art Type:
A flying monster for a 3d Doom-esque shooter (3d shooter that uses sprites for enemies like Wolfenstein 3D or Doom). Inspired by HP Lovecraft works.

Classic! How was it made? Rendered from a model, painted, or perhaps a mix of the two? Regardless, this looks like a great resource.
It was pixel painted from scratch, though I also make sprites from rendered models, then tune them up by hand so they don't have that stiffyness of a model that I dislike. And thx for nice comments :)
WOW, nice pixel art. I thought it was rendered.
Great job!
Maybe you should think about submitting that to the Freedoom project; it is really a nice piece of art (especially as it seems to be made for a Doom WAD in mind).
I was thinking the same thing! FreeDoom can use all the artistic help it can get.
I used your asset in a gamejam :
Cool game. Makes me happy you used it.
This sprite is currently used in Blasphemer.
I love Blasphemer and I wish it good luck!