NES-Style RPG Characters
NES-Style RPG Characters
Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 19:21
Art Type:
Created for my RPG I'm working on. These're the basic, no-frills, super-generic versions, so feel free to gussy 'em up and add whatever you want. They should be totally NES pallete appropriate too! Whether or not I end up using them, I wanna see them used by someone out there, so go for it! Also includes blown-up versions for up-close encounters.
Also, first upload! Someone let me know if the licensing is appropriate or not, and I can correct it.

After using this in testing, it's been impossible to discard the cute head and ear shapes. We made a lot of changes, but the face is still very similar to yours.
I'm glad I found your page.
Could these be reduced to 4-color indexed PNGs? (black, dark grey, light grey, white)
why is the background green?? however nice art