New here, want to contribute. What are the most needed sounds?
New here, want to contribute. What are the most needed sounds?
Sunday, April 10, 2011 - 18:24
Hi all,
So I just discoved this place via reddit, and I'm really digging it. I'd like to start contributing some work.I've been doing video post for years, but I'd like to contribute to games.
What are the most needed sounds? Searching around it looks like there are a bunch of interface beeps, and monster sounds on here. Other than that, would would be the most useful things?
Female noises. And by noises I mean coughing, ouching, ahhing, oohing, screaming, jumping, bumping, etc.
also guns, but not of the 'loud snap' kind. so processed guns. mouth into good microphones make better gun noises than guns do.
Hi Goostavos, Welcome to the community!
If you are interested in specific needs then check
As for overall site content, I suggest working on what you enjoy the most. You can also hang out in the irc channel #opengameart Looking forward to seeing some of your stuff!
Cool. I could probably convince some female friends to let me record them.
I recorded a few small arms weapons awhile back. I'll be sure to post them.