By: Quandtum
License: CC-0
Blender Version: 2.65, r52859
Model Version: 1.0
Part of the Bot Siege project @
What is included:
1 x Pallet base mesh (190 vertices, 357 Edges, 195 faces, 324 Tris, UV unwrapped)
1 x Diffuse map (2048 x 2048)
1 x Normal map (2048 x 2048)
1 x Bump map (2048 x 2048)
1 x Specular map (2048 x 2048)
Complete model is not manifold, but rather a composition of manifold "parts". Each part is manifold and all parts were combined into a single mesh named "Pallet".
Maps included are all large 2048 x 2048. Reason is they can be reduced but not grown, resize them to fit as needed.
No texture manifest, textures done 100% by me. Still, go checkout
* UV mappings can and will be made more efficient for mapping. It will be on the TODO list.
* Floor and texture is not part of this package and only used to make the preview. If you are interested in it, please see yughues @
Revision History:
Version 1.0 - Sat Mar 23 10:43:03 CDT 2013; Initial release.

Make a town out of these pallets and call it "Pallet Town".
Most useful asset ever, fits in any game. Unless someone's made a crate...