Pixel village
Pixel village
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 08:01
Art Type:
Pixel villagers that live in their pixel houses from 8 different civilizations. Includes campfire, wagon, and some trees. Works seamlessly with the pixel farm tilesets.
Attribution Instructions:
Copy and modify my work at your leisure.

Nitpick: It's "Iroquois", and the doors should be on the ends, and the walls are made with shingles, not horizontal logs.
this is ridiculously cute!
Well done Pixel32!
I made the changes but I still can't seem to draw the shingles very well in such a small space so stuck with the logs. You'll have to forgive me but its purely for aesthetic reasons and I don't mean to stereotype any culture or people, just work based on their architectural style in the drawings.
Readers, you can learn more about the Iroquois people here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois
Ha, no worries, Pixel! I want to make my Master's thesis (on Seneca Iroquois stone tool use) into an archaeological video game some day, so now that the doors are properly placed, I could use these (to map out one of the towns I studied, which is full of two-family Iroquoian homes).
Great work!
Wonderful pixel art!
amazing! :)