Pong Graphics
Pong Graphics
Friday, August 1, 2014 - 15:57
Art Type:
These are some graphics I made for a game of mine called GNP2. Feel free to use them however you want.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
These graphics were made by Nicolás A. Ortega (Deathsbreed), however, copyright belongs to the DeathsbreedGames organization (http://deathsbreedgames.github.io/). All works are licensed with the CC-BY-SA license.
If these files are being distributed in the form of a game that uses an open-source license, you may (out of convenience for space) credit these works in the source-code instead of the binary. To clarify, if your game is open-source you can credit this work either only in the source-code, or in both the source-code and the binary (on the credits page), but both is preferred.

Thank you, perfect for my first game :)
nice, i used this in my game
i used this in my game the graphics are nice https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/949003915/