Possible help

Possible help


Hi, all.

Today I first heard about this project.

Source code looks fine and I want to help in development (but I have only two-three hours per day).

I have experience with C++ (1 year for Linux) and few months with Java.
Also I have some skills in SDL.

There is few files in attach.tar(possibly, this things are already realized, but I saw only sources from download page):

  • linux_prepare.sh - this is simple bash-script: It creates linux_build directory with simple Makefile (I hope it may be useful for building linux binary and packing it to <deb|rpm>-package in future)
  • SettingsLoader.h, SettingsLoader.cpp - simple loader for params, such as path to resources directory.

If my help required, please reply in this topic (sorry for anonymous post, but I have not received registration confirmation yet).