Scroll with Wooden Rollers
Scroll with Wooden Rollers
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 20:34
Art Type:
Here's a basic scroll for use in fantasy video games. It's my first 3D model in blender, so it's far from perfect (though it was a valuable learning experience!) I didn't add any textures to it, because I couldn't quite figure out how, so if someone wanted to do that, that would be great. (There's a nice ancient paper texture here on OGA).
[edit]: I used this model (rendered out as sprites) for the game FLARE.

it's to render it for 2D pictures, this is OK.
but your model are too many face to be use in a 3D game. first, you can already delete wood faces under the parchment. they will never be displayed because they are under parchment faces.
after, you can reduce the number of face on your cylinders. In real 3D you must limit 3D faces (triangles mainly). the number of faces depends on the size of the object on the screen and its importance. Here you are 1666 quads, if you can limit it at 100 or less triangles, it's Ok for 3D realtime game.
Etory, thanks for the feedback! You are correct, I intended to render this out for sprites, but I think I will be more conservative in the future on polygon count. Do you know of an easy way to reduce the number of polygons in blender? If so, I'd love to learn a new valuable trick!
For some reason this reminded me of Leibniz's Integral Rule. It allows for calculating surface area of something when one part of an area is growing while another part is shrinking. It lets you determine exactly how much surface area there is at a given moment. Sort of like rolling a scroll from left to right; one side is unrolling while the other side is rolling up... terribly random nerdy thoughts.