$12256 / $11500
This is a fairly basic sword that comes with a texture (Resolutions rendered at 2048, 1024, and 512).
I decided not to go all out with normals on this specific piece.
Also, 944 tris makes this viable for almost any game!
All quads, decent unwrap, and .obj, .ma files included. All textures are in PNG and JPEG.
I am using this on a school project (final for Game Design bachelors!) and am going to attach it as a 2h sword on my teams first boss. I wanted something gritty and dark, vampires are the main enemy type/theme, and this is perfect! I tweaked the colors and made a Normal Map, Height Map, etc., but I love the design.
Much thanks,
Edit: We are crediting you because the team loves the sword so much :D