Shrine, Shinto, Japan
Shrine, Shinto, Japan
Monday, November 29, 2010 - 10:42
Art Type:
A shinto shrine. 2396 Triangles, textures are diff and normal 1024².

A shinto shrine. 2396 Triangles, textures are diff and normal 1024².
This looks really cool, thank you! Great you gave it normal maps.
Thousand thanks for this model :)
I have used your model for my Ph.D. Thesis "Compositing shaders in X3D" --- it is publicly available on . 6 screenshots from your model (demonstrating shadow maps and bump mapping in my engine) are inside Chapter 1 "Overview", of course with link back to this OGA page. These are one of the best screenshots from my paper :) The version of your model in Blender and X3D is downloadable as part of demo models of my game engine (inside compositing_shaders/shinto_shrine/ subdirectory).
Once again, thank you for making this :)