Simple Skiff (Optomised and Textured)
Simple Skiff (Optomised and Textured)
Saturday, April 28, 2012 - 12:03
Art Type:
A rework of another OGA submission by XGundam05
Cut poly count from 1768 tris to 916 polys
Removed numerous non manifold vertices and internal faces.
changed shading to smooth, to help with rendering, and set sharp seams to retain form
UV unwrapped and textured
This model should now be a lot easier to use in games and for others to retexture.
BONUS: Just added a version with two guns

Good job on the optimization. Now you only need to bake a good normal map for it. That means you have to model a high quality high poly version first. :) The work on these damned 3D models never stops! Does the original version rely on sharp edges/edge split? That would cause trouble in the baking process.
There are some faces that are not unwrapped in the test5.blend and in test5-TWO some face normals need to be flipped. BTW did you forget to pack the texture or is the texture just an ambient occlusion map?
Oh, and I would rotate the edges of the triangles on the round mid section, because there are some really thin small faces. I heard that's inefficient, too.