Solomons key
Solomons key
Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 23:52
Art Type:
A tileset obviously inspired from Solomon's Key in 16 colors. Give credit if used.
512 color palette used.
Edit: Added some tiles with shading to give some depth to the image.

Another great set! Thanks for sharing!
Ok, I feel like I'm turning into the license police (this is not the first time I have posted a comment like this) but...
Since I see you are new to OGA, I wanted to mention that CC-BY license contains a clause prohibiting use on platforms that use DRM. Since most commercial platforms (IOS, Android, PS, XBox, Steam) have some form of DRM this does limit what folks can do with your art. Of course, if (like most folks ;) you hate DRM maybe that's what you want. :) At any rate, I thought I'd mention it, since I see you are new and it's something many, many people miss when reading over the CC-BY license. Bart has created an OGA-BY license, which contains an attribution requirement but no DRM restrictions which you can use if attribution is your main concern.
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to tell you how to license your work, that's totally your decision, and you are aces in my book just for sharing no matter what the license you choose. I just thought I'd mention this, as I see you are new and it something that has tripped up many folks in the past.
Changed to OGA-BY 3.0
thanks, glad that was a helpful comment, like I say, anxious about becoming the license police, especially since it's really your business how you license your stuff.
Anyway, this is a really nice trifecta of 8-bit sets you've contributed, can't wait to see what comes next! :)