Tarot Cards (Major Arcana)
Tarot Cards (Major Arcana)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 13:23
Art Type:
Tarot de Marseilles, a traditional 18th century tarot set originally designed by an unknown artist. This particular set is attributed to "Jean Dodal".
Images and background information found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarot_de_Marseille
I took the Public Domain images from Wikipedia and cropped, rotated, resized, and removed jpeg artifacts. The resulting card sizes are 200px by 375px.
This set contains the 22 "Major Arcana" cards:
- The Fool
- I - The Magician
- II - The High Priestess
- III - The Empress
- IV - The Emperor
- V - The Pope
- VI- The Lovers
- VII - The Chariot
- VIII - Justice
- IX - The Hermit
- X - The Wheel of Fortune
- XI - Strength
- XII - The Hanged Man
- XIII - Death
- XIV - Temperance
- XV - The Devil
- XVI - The Tower
- XVII - The Star
- XVIII - The Moon
- XIX - The Sun
- XX - The Judgment
- XXI - The World
Attribution Instructions:
This work is in the Public Domain because its copyright has expired. It was originally created in the 1700s.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks alot for putting it up.
thank you