Techno Bricks
Techno Bricks
Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 22:09
Art Type:
1536 procedurally generated 16x16 Mega Man-esque bricks with matching tops. Uses db32 palette.
Note: the color #201620 should be used as a clear/mask color.
Update: added 3072 bordered versions; the top half of the set matches the originals. I think they look really nice like this, especially for floating blocks.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
No attribution required. If you want to credit me anyway, credit me as "SpiderDave".

Sample usage (with one of my other bricks):
Always a pleasure, SpiderDave.
These look great, I'll probably use some of them in my own future tilesets. :)
@SpiderDave: Was this produced by some software you found or something you wrote yourself?
They are really quite good, I mean 1536 procedural tiles, and everyone does indeed scream 'Mega-Man!', that's pretty impressive!
Nice work! You weren't kidding when you said you can't stop making bricks.
Now if someone would make an infinite Megaman level generator...
@capbros: It's my own program, but basically I just throw code at it until something good comes out. The algorithm basically makes a bunch of layered shaded rectangles with various size configurations and other special tweaks (like adding rivets to larger ones).
@Clint Bellanger: I've got the start of a level generator for Mega Man 1. It'd be neat if I end up having it generate the graphics too.
Btw, here's a mockup I made when doodling some ideas for the graphics generation:
This is great! It gives me that old Mega Man feeling. I love it!
@SpiderDave: That's awesome! I don't want anyone to take this personally, but a lot of them have that kind of 'random and a little wrong but totally works perfect' look that I always thought it took an artists brain to achieve!
Any thoughts on adding side or bottom border creation to the algo? I guess Mega-Man tiles always just kind of cut off on the sides, but it might be neat to see and make the tiles useful for other game types (Metroids, etc).
Tienen un diseño fantástico!