Unfinished security bot for TenFloorsDown
Unfinished security bot for TenFloorsDown
Saturday, July 7, 2012 - 19:28
Art Type:
THis is an unfinished animated robot made for TenFloorsDown.
196x196 with 2px margin and 2px spacing. Included cocos2d plist in zip.
Attribution Instructions:
Link to this OGA page and credit to Thomas Bruno (www.naveoss.com)

Due to Anti-DRM sections of the CC BY and CC BY-SA 3.0 licenses that I was not aware of, I am changing all my works to Public Domain. I don't believe in restricting your rights and usage and want to open the door for you to use to use this on all available platforms.
Of course CC-BY-SA would have an anti-drm clause. after all, what would be the point of requiring that you "share alike" if you can just DRM the content and punish anyone why breaks it via DMCA?
Not including it would lead to "yeah, the license lets you share it but we'll sue you if you try"