Various Common Icons
Various Common Icons
Hey guys
I don't really consider myself an artist (more of a programmer), but I whipped up these simple icons following a basic tutorial I found as well as using other art from OGA.
The buttons themselves are considered my original work and the gray icons on each one are from the following sources:
wrench/gear icons - n4pgamer
shield and feet icons - johndh
jewel icon - Buch
sword icon - Buch
staff icon - Buch
I know it's not much but I thought these might be useful to some other people.
added a .zip containing all the .psd files (except for one of the magic buttons, I couldn't find it) so people can change colors and add their own effects. Also changed the licensing to just CC-BY.

Do you still have the layered versions of these icons? If you could put them in a zip/7z and upload this would be more useful, when peopl want to change colors or effects for example. can't be used in a gpl asset, I will write the author an email asking to add gpl2/3 to his submission.
Yes I'm busy right now but I'll upload the .psd files later.
I don't have a problem to changing the licensing on these to only CC-BY if that would solve that issue as well.
Yeah I noticed that with the shield especially, but I was just trying to get these done quickly as a mock-up. And since I uploaded the psd's now, anyone is free to modify them as they see fit.
The artist who made prefers not to use GPL, we talked via private messages about this.
Thanks for changing to the CC-BY, this eliminates the problem.
If you would like to have this set under GPL2/3 as well, you could for example use the following images to replace the cc-by only ones.
Thanks again for taking care of this!