Wooden Log

Wooden Log


These are two small, separate, low-poly .OBJ files UV-Unwrapped and exported from Blender.  Originally modelled as collectable assets that drop from a cut-down tree in a video game project, I've decided to put them (and various other pieces) on OpenGameArt for your personal use.  These Logs only contain Diffuse textures, as the video game project in which they were used was a 3rd-person Android App.  I used a single diffuse map to cut down on processing power.

This page for the models also contains a download of the original UV-Maps in case you would like to add your own flair to the Logs.

Attribution Instructions: 
Please attribute/credit "Panther-One".
Wood.obj Wood.obj 1.7 Kb [1205 download(s)]
Wood 2.obj Wood 2.obj 4.3 Kb [865 download(s)]
Wood UV.png Wood UV.png 29.9 Kb [1072 download(s)]
Wood 2 UV.png Wood 2 UV.png 63.1 Kb [807 download(s)]
Wood.png Wood.png 1.6 Mb [1291 download(s)]
Wood 2.png Wood 2.png 1.2 Mb [1106 download(s)]