Wyvern (Low Poly)
Wyvern (Low Poly)
Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 07:21
Art Type:
This is a low poly, textured version of Sunburn's excelent wyvern model
The model has been reduced from 1,900,000 faces down to 2,800 faces, thats an over 670 fold reduction in quality, so please excuse the lost details. The reduction was achieved through Meshlab's excelent filters and through painstaking vertice removal on my part.
The UV unwrap is far from perfect, the head in particular came out all over the place, which makes making a good texture from this map hard, however I have created a simple texture to get you up and running.
As always, if you end up using this I'd love to hear about it :)

It's still blobby. I would recommend doing a new mesh using the retopo feature for a low poly version instead.
2.800 faces ? Good job ! I like it :).