2D Fighter Game Character Sprite Sheet

2D Fighter Game Character Sprite Sheet

Hi, I am looking for someone who can make me a character sprite sheet kind of like this one:



But with a good Idle animation and a good Walking animation and by good, I mean I want the character to have their fists out like they were in a fight.

Here's the animations I need:

  1. Idle
  2. Walk
  3. Jump
  4. Crouch
  5. Punch While Standing
  6. Punch While Crouched
  7. Punched In The Face While Standing
  8. Punched In The Face While Crouched
  9. Falling Onto Back (Death anim or Punched While in Air)
  10. Throw(Dont Include an Object Sprite Please, Just the throwing animation)

For each punch animation I'd like a left hand punch and a right hand punch.         EDIT:Here's the sprites, all I want is the Idle and walk Animation changed  Thankyou to who ever does this for me :D

frameGuide.png frameGuide.png 15.5 Kb [798 download(s)]